Thursday, December 15, 2005

Affiliate Programs -- Seducing The Search Engines -- Part 2 of 5

Here is an idea that will put you miles ahead ofyour competition and put cash in your pocket fast!
Promoting affiliate programs is a breeze if youknow how to get the search engines to send you tons ofqualified prospects. The Affiliate Masters course byKen Evoy shows you how to get the search enginesattention and keep it there.

The Affiliate Masters course by Ken Evoy is themost comprehensive course on the subject and it'savailable for free at:

Ken says that the key to getting the searchengines' attention is to provide good qualityinformation presented in a keword optimized context.Now, how do you define good quality information andwhere do you find it?

The search engines' job, the way they see it, isto provide exactly the right information a person islooking for, the first time. The quicker they canprovide the needed information, the more satisfiedtheir clients will be. If you can provide thatcontent on your web-page the search engines will sendyou droves of qualified, willing to buy traffic.

So how do you know what people are looking forbefore they start their research on the search engines?Here's how:

1. Start by doing a quick survey at your localmagazine store. Yes, you'll have to get out of thatcomfortable chair in front of the computer...

Find several magazines on the subject of theaffiliate program you want to promote.

2. Look at the headlines on the cover.

3. Look at the headlines of the in-depth articles.

4. Look at the headlines of important stories thattalk about future developments.

5. Write down all the headlines. Break out the keywords and 2-3 word key-word groups and put them intothree categories: words taken from the cover, majorstories and other interesting stories in the magazinesyou reviewed.

These are the hottest key words in order ofpriority. Because the major publications are talkingabout it, people will naturally investigate further onthese topics. These keywords will be on top of theirmind because they have just read / heard about them.

When you build your web-pages based on the hottestkey-words, the search engines will flock to your site.They will bring you the highly targeted visitors thatwill be the foundation of your business.

6. After building the key-word list, come back homeand download the free SearchIt software. Ken Evoy hasprovided this tool to help people do their research.It allows you to do over 100 key searches to helppeople set up their Internet business:

7. When you open up your SearchIt software you willfind four blanks. In the first blank choose "referencelibrary for content". The second blank gives you 15different sources for good, reliable content. Enterthe key word in the third box. Leave the fourth oneempty.
By going through all 15 search resources inSearchIt for each of the key-words, you will have anabundance of good quality, sexy content the searchengines will love and your clients will appreciate.

This is the way to work your competition into theground. This is how you can make sure your businesssucceeds. Offer good quality iformation to people whoare looking for it. This is the ultimate win-win-winsystem. Work with the search engines and feed themwhat they want and you will grow and prosper.


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